Friday, May 12, 2006

The Last Days

The morbid possesses me,
Life as we know it will come to an end,
Damnation as far as the eye can see,
No shoulder to cry on,
No one to fall on,
No way to move on,
The end is near,
The demons are here,
No one can see them but me,
I would warn you,
But you won't care,
Life is to die for,
You live it to the fullest until you can fill it no more,
My life is empty,
Another day,
Another year,
Nothing to say,
Everything to fear,
Sometimes I cut myself,
And just let it bleed,
I don't know who I am anymore,
I have no purpose,
Nothing to live for,
The demons are stabbing me,
No one can save me now,
I would save myself....
But I don't know how.
10:35 PM April 4th 2120,
No one is left,
Except me,
They all died,
They didn't listen to me,
So they couldn't hide,
I am wounded,
Suddenly I feel lonely,
No one to talk to,
No one ever listened to me before,
But they heard,
The loneliness overrides me,
I pick up the knife,
Nothing left to see,
No longer lonely,
I have reached my end.


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