Friday, September 09, 2005

*A New Time In Life Of Love*

For life to go on it must stop for one brief moment, catch that moment. Life and friends are hand in hand, they both have a part in each other. Saying I wish i could have that special someone in my life but it would mess up our friendship. That shows Love has apart of most things like the ones I love or you love. Holding on to what should be let go could soon put you in a place were it's impossible to get out. Put the past behind you and towards the present and future at hand. Love has many faces you have to find the one that fits you. Friends come and go but a true friend never leaves you without a fight. Life can be harsh at times but if have the love of friendship and true love, then there's nothing that can hold you back. Key mind set to you: To see it To hear it To feel it To know it can change the knowing of right from wrong.


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