Friday, May 12, 2006

Cry Not

Cry not for me, for I'll see no dawn
my blood runs cold, my soul is gone.
No more no light will my eyes but see,
no starlit night nor moonlight be.

Cry not for me for I can not hear,
for sound escapes the dying ear.
Swept along the halls of dead,
with cries of pain and moans of dread.

Cry not for me for I am no more,
my way has left through the shining door.
The path doth run read with blood
A raging torrent, a charnel flood.

Cry instead for those who stay,
for without the hope there is no way.
From ages past and lands before,
A hand awaits to open the door.

Cry instead for those that stay,
for I am dust and blown away.

The Last Days

The morbid possesses me,
Life as we know it will come to an end,
Damnation as far as the eye can see,
No shoulder to cry on,
No one to fall on,
No way to move on,
The end is near,
The demons are here,
No one can see them but me,
I would warn you,
But you won't care,
Life is to die for,
You live it to the fullest until you can fill it no more,
My life is empty,
Another day,
Another year,
Nothing to say,
Everything to fear,
Sometimes I cut myself,
And just let it bleed,
I don't know who I am anymore,
I have no purpose,
Nothing to live for,
The demons are stabbing me,
No one can save me now,
I would save myself....
But I don't know how.
10:35 PM April 4th 2120,
No one is left,
Except me,
They all died,
They didn't listen to me,
So they couldn't hide,
I am wounded,
Suddenly I feel lonely,
No one to talk to,
No one ever listened to me before,
But they heard,
The loneliness overrides me,
I pick up the knife,
Nothing left to see,
No longer lonely,
I have reached my end.


Pain stuffed inside of me
Can't let anyone near me
Can't let anyone see the real me
Can't let anyone even hug me

All this pain that's held in me
Why can't anyone see the real me
Why can't anyone help me
Why can't someone just hold me

All this pain that's eating me
Can't let go of the pain in me
Can't get this pain from me
Can't get this pain out of me

When will the pain stop hurting me
Why can't I just feel me
Why can't I just be me
Why can't someone take this pain from me


I remember the day like yesterday
When I looked into your heart,
I thought I saw forever,
But forever fell apart.
I never knew this day would come,
Not in a million years.
That I would be sitting here without you,
To wipe away my tears.

I never believed you’d kill yourself,
I thought it was a joke.
Till i heard the gun go off,
My heart leapt to my throat.
Nobody understood what happened,
Nobody really knew why,
I was the only one who knew you wanted to die.

I told myself it was meant to be,
But i knew it was a lie.
The thought of living without you,
Still makes me cry.

So I’m sitting here without you,
Four years since that day.
The day the boy I was meant to love,
Went so very far away.

I seem to love another now,
Just like you said I would.
But life here without you,
Still isn’t very good.

I know you’d be so proud of me,
To see how much I’ve changed.
I’m learning to trust again,
To break away the chains.
The ones that held my walls so tight,
That no one could get in.
I’m learning to love myself again,
I’m learning to Forgive...


Hearts were made to be broken
People were made to die
you were made to suffer
and i was made to cry
He was made for her
And she the same for him
But he got sent to heaven
before either of them were ten
She lives a life alone
And he lives on a cloud
Counting down the days
Till she meets his crowd
Every life is like this
There is know gettin away
We were all meant to suffer
And to cry for someone we love someday